Saturday 17 January 2015

Title Sequence Analysis - Signs

In my group we watched the opening of the film 'Signs' which was created in 2002. We also created a timeline to the opening of it showing what order the titles come up and the font size.

Here is the time line which I created for our group:

Signs is 2002 American Science Fiction thriller film which was written and directed by M. Night Shayamalan. The timeline above shows the title sequence to the film I have selected, the music starts instantly but it sounds like a extremely quiet violin, but 26 seconds into the title sequence the music starts to pick up pace and begins to become loud and the music gets faster. Throughout the title sequence the music changes and towards the end drums are added to the current music that was playing. This music type built tension for the audience as it starts with slow, quiet music then ends with loud and fast music, but this has slowly developed throughout the sequence. This could makes the audience suspect that this could be a Gothic Horror as the slow music could be suspected to be a build up to a key event within the film, or it could be used to create tension before the film starts so the audience are attracted to the film. 

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