Wednesday 14 January 2015

Analysis of Three Different Clips - The Conjuring

Notes from the extract:
  • Two little girls and a demon type girl
  • Setting - Dark room, tatty curtains, old fashioned wardrobe, cat picture, girls bedroom
  • Costume - old fashioned baggy night dress - white and pink
  • Props - Wardrobe
  • Camera shots 
In this extract I selected from The Conjuring,  I wrote notes about the short scene that I watched from The Conjuring. The extract started with a young girl banging her head on the wardrobe at the bottom of the room, the wardrobe looked old fashioned and that it had been in the room for a few years as it looked dirty, when there was a shot of the other young girl in the pink night dress, you could see the setting, it showed that it was a dark room to show that they are suppose to be asleep as it looks like the middle of the night. Also you can see the curtains and that they look tatty and ripped. This could represent the low class that they are in and that they don't have a lot of money and the curtains have been there for years.

In the short extract, there was a lot of props, for example the room was lit by candle light, this shows that the children should be asleep as you can clearly see that it is dark outside. Another prop used in the extract is the wardrobe; this is because it is the key object in the extract I have selected. I believe this because the video it starts with a little girl knocking on the wardrobe with her head. Then after the young girl is put back into the bed there is knocking from the wardrobe so the other girl approaches it and opens the wardrobe and nothing is there but there is a close up of the younger girl who is in bed, and her facial expression changes, afterwards there's a straight cut to the wardrobe again when there is a low angle and you can see the demon-like girl jump from the wardrobe.
In this extract it creates a scary scene for the audience to witness if they do not like things jumping out due to the girl jumping of the wardrobe. The director would of picked this for the effect of a thrill for their audience as it could be the reaction the director wants his audience to have when watching the film.

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