Friday, 16 January 2015

Title Sequence Analysis - The Shining

In my group we watched the opening of the film 'The Shinning' which was created in 1980. We timeline the opening of it showing what order the titles came up.

Here is the time line which I created for my group:

The Shining, is a 1980's British-American psychological film produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick. The timeline shows that the music starts straight away when the title sequence started, the music sounded like trumpets being played, this is then played all through the title sequence. Throughout the opening sequence it is showing different angles and camera shots of a mountain through all different types of weather. This creates mystery and you can start to think about the film and what it is going to include in it. The car going around the road creates tension for the audience as they may believe that something is going to pop up and due to the music that goes along with it the possibility of it increases. The director might have done this so that the audience would realise that this is a horror film full of mystery.
The font used through the opening sequence of The Shining, is plain and simple which doesn't create an affect that it is going to be a Gothic Horror as the writing is in a bright blue and it is in a clear font and it is capitalised. 

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