Friday 23 January 2015

Target Audience Research

Target Audience Research

The genre which I have chosen to research and create a short opening scene and title sequence is from the film genre of Gothic Horror. 

Who are your typical audience of your genre?
The typical audience for my genre type is for people over the age of 12 or 15 that enjoy watching horrific things and don't get scared easily. The main target audience for Gothic Horror are Goths and Gothic people and people who are usually into jumpy films and aren't afraid of seeing blood and other gory features of Gothic Horror. This audience is who the Gothic Horror companies target their films out too so that they can interest the target audience and other audiences as it jsnt just the stereotype of people who watch Gothic Horrors. These films usually have a certification rating which for ese type of films are rated for 15+ and when they are more gory and horrific they will be rated 18+ this is so that people of younger ages do not watch these films as it then might scare them.

A production company that produce Gothic Horrors is Hammer Studios, their main target audience is usually aimed at teenagers and adults, the age cerfitcate is usually at a rating of 15 so that the younger generation is attracted aswell as the adults. This is to widen their target audience so that the film they produce is going to be a success. When creating and marketing these films they are most commonly known to reach out to then teenagers and young adults as elderly people, stereotypically do not like or enjoy watching Gothic Horrors as they have gotten older and they might not like this anymore. 

Will you film target the same people or are you trying to introduce the genre out to a new audience?
When creating our final idea we have decided to target the same audience which the production company - Hammer Studios target, as our film idea was inspired by one of the films that they produced called The a Woman In Black, so by this we decided to target the same audience as Hammer a Studios when creating The Woman In Black.
We decided to certificate our film as a rating of 12, as that is what the Woman In Black is rated as, and as we have had our insiperation from the film. With our film there isn't going to be a big section which shows the blood on the brides neck so this could attract younger ages of 12, they would be able to see the film in the cinema as long as an adult over the age of 18 is with them and they do not believe it will scare them.

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