Tuesday 20 January 2015

Title Sequence Analysis - Comparison

In the three different title sequences that I have focused on they all have similarities in them. All three title sequences start with music instantly, the music in the title sequences set the theme for the whole film. For example, there wouldn't be happy music in a horror film as it would confuse the audience.

In The Shining, the title of the film was the third title to be shown in the title sequence, this was 1 minute and 25 seconds into the sequence. Whereas, in the title sequence for Signs it was shown 26 seconds into the title sequence. The time title was the fifth title to be shown throughout the sequence. In the third title sequence which I analysed, (The Conjuring), the film tile was the last title to be shown throughout the title sequence, it was shown after 1 minute and 57 seconds after the title sequence began. The title sequence was only 2 minutes and 3 seconds long so it ended with the film title.

In all three of the title sequences I evaluated, they all have used capitals throughout the title sequences. Due to this my group will most likely do our opening sequence for our Final Task in capitals as ours has a Gothic Horror theme. We also decided to use the same idea as the conjuring, as my group believed that it would fit with our film idea and it will give more of a Gothic Horror genre to the opening sequence as I believe that this will look good with out idea for our film.

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