Monday 12 January 2015

Analysis of Three Different Clips - Woman in Black

Woman in Black

Notes from the extract:
  • Monkeys/ China dolls
  • Dark room
  • Creaky floor
  • Hand print on wallpaper - blood?
  • Wallpaper ripping
  • 'You could of saved him'
  • Costume - Waistcoat, tie, shirt - smart clothing
  • Props - Candle, Axe, Monkeys, China Doll
  • Setting - old, abandoned, child's room, toys - monkeys, dolls, child photograph on the wall
  • Camera shots - Mid Shot, Low Angle, Close up and a Long shot
As I watched the extract I selected I wrote down notes for The Woman in Black. I focused on the Mise-en-Scene throughout the extract along with the camera shots. The extract was filmed in a dark room and as the actor walked to the main wall, the floor boards creaked, this shows that the room is old and it may have been abandoned and that the actor on screen as found it and is investigating the room. As the actor approaches the room he sees the hand print next to the bit of all paper which has been torn, he put his candle and axe down and begins to rip off the wall paper from the wall, when he realises its in blood he begins to rip it off faster, once it is completely ripped off, there is a close up of the actors face then he begins to slowly step backwards and there is a straight cut to a long shot from behind which shows a monkey in the corner of the frame and the words 'YOU COULD OF SAVED HIM'.

Throughout the extract, there are child toys shown, for example monkeys are the key toy shown as they are shown up to 7 times, but when the actor is ripping the wallpaper there is a shot of a china doll, this along with the rooms surroundings of a child room, and with the use of 'him' on the wall, I believe that this could be a little boys room and he has died and someone could of saved him.

In this extract, the genre of Gothic Horror is shown through the mysterious music and the writen on the wall in blood, this creates a Gothic Horror genre because if the blood the tension it is building through the short scene which I selected to analyse. I believe that the director wanted the audience to since a Gothic Horror genre within the film so that is why they used slow mysterious music and had the writing on and the close ups of the different toys which shows that it is a child's bedroom. This could make the audience feel sorry for the character as it could represent a child's death that has happened through the film. 

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