Sunday 18 January 2015

Title Sequence Analysis - The Conjuring

The Conjuring - 2013

In my group we watched the opening of the film 'The Conjuring' which was created in 2013. We also created a timeline to the opening of it showing what order the titles come up and the font size.

Here is the time line which my group created:

The Conjuring is a 2013 American Supernatural horror film which was directed by James Wan. The timeline above shoes the order of names through the title sequence. The title sequence starts with low pitched music which has a creepy ring to it. After the music has started the first title which appears is 'THE PERRON FAMILY' I personally believe that from the first title that the film is a horror which involves a family as that is the first title shown along with a family photograph. Then at 0:11 another family called - The Warrens is shown in capital letters along with another photograph. This could mean that the film involves two different families. Throughout the title sequence the same music is continuously played and as different titles come up, a different photograph appears on the screen. The whole title sequence is black and white.
I believe that this is a Horror because it creates tension by using the photographs for the opening sequence, I believe it is also effective as it begins to tell a story of the film, as the photographs could be characters within the film and it could be their history behind the family or the characters past.

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