Friday 1 May 2015

Evaluation - Question 6


6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
After we filmed all of the scenes we needed, we had to upload it to iMovie to be able to edit the footage. This is software produced by Apple, we was able to access this by the Apple Macs at college. We also used the cameras which were provide by the sixth form. The camera which we used was the Sony HVR-Z5E also along with the camera we used a tripod in order to hold the camera up for the shots that we did not want the shot to be hand held. We also to create all of our blog posts we used online software called On this website we was able to write and publish our posts onto the Worldwide Web, this meant that people all over the world could view our blog posts about our preliminary film, and the research and development in order to be able to create our final idea of The Woman in White. Using wasn’t easy at first as I had to learn how to work it but now I know how to work the software online which I can use in the future if needed.

Personally, I found editing the film the hardest part as I had never done anything like this before which meant I had to learn from others in the group. For example, Brandon Playford done a GSCE in Film and Media in year 10 and 11, so by this he already knew how to edit the footage we recorded and make it look effective and get the timings perfect. I also had to less how to use the Sony HVR-Z5E cameras to help film different scenes that did not include my character in them (the groom getting ready and when the brides killer and the sister talking on the roof before the bride appears in the shot) so that I could be involved in the acting within the film and the use of the camera to record it. When we filmed we also used a tripod in order to have a steady camera frame during different scenes of our film. The times where the tripod wasn't used was during the shot of the killer walking off with the weapon

By editing out footage after we had filmed it, improved the overall look on the finished product as we was able to produce a title sequence that as a group we was proud of. Through the process of editing the film, Brandon Playford took the lead as that is what he works best in a he is more confident with using a computer as he also done ICT at GCSE and AS Level. This can be seen throughout the editing of the film, especially in the section when the bride is walking towards the camera and the effects are changing rapidly as she walks to create a gothic horror theme to the Woman in Whites haunting walk after the couple. I believe this made out film look more professional as the editing didn't look stupid and it was only used when we thought it was needed.

Due to editing our work was improved because it flowed consistently due to the editing. From doing this we were able to create the film through the use of iMovie on the Apple Macs at college. In addition, using the Sony HVR-Z5E improved the graphics of the filming, this increased the amount we could do to the footage in iMovie because of the footage was not pixelated which would of made it difficult, for us to edit, and select the different clips we wanted to input into our film. 

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