Friday 1 May 2015

Evaluation - Question 5


5. How did you attract/address your audience?

We attracted our audience by using all the different codes and conventions throughout our opening scene and title sequence. The codes and conventions which we used was makeup, costume, hair, setting, performance props, camera shots and sound in order to successfully meet the requirements to be a successful gothic horror. If I was a member of the audience viewing this film I would mostly be attracted to the killing and for how it would be shown through the film and if it would look effective and match with the film.

During our Vox Pops a lot of the members from our college who we asked said that they would like to see our film from the explanation of the film to them. This made us as a group feel confident with our idea for our title sequence and opening scene as members from outside our group believed that the idea was good and that it would look good and extremely effective if the performance was shown and done correctly.  A couple of them also said that the killing in the opening scene would look good as you could continue to find out about the killing through the duration of the film.

We tried not to miss any codes and conventions out so we put them all into our film in order to achieve the codes and conventions of a gothic horror successfully. We ensured this by loads of planning before filming and scheduling all the different aspects of the film before filming so that on the days we selected to film we could go straight into filming and not have to sit and decided what to film and which shots we could use to develop our film further.

We targeted our audience with particular conventions such as the makeup and the costume because the makeup and costume make it clear that the woman who is being killed is getting married and afterwards that she has been killed and she is now a ghost haunting her killer and his girlfriend who turnt out to be the bride’s sister who had planned for her own sister to be murdered in order to receive more attention.

I believe that the key scene of the film is the scene where the bride was killed. I believe this because if the killing scene was not shown the audience would not understand why the bride had been killed or in what way and they would just see the bride haunting someone. Personally this was my favourite scene as it was the most enjoyable to film as we was able to pay around with the fake blood for the bride’s neck and was able to try shape a cut on the neck of me that would make the cut look realistic to the audience to make the members of the audience feel sorry for the bride and her future groom as they never ended up getting married due to the bride being killed while on her way down to the wedding reception with her sister. 

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