Friday 1 May 2015

Evaluation - Question 2

Evaluation - Question 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Within our film idea we chose to have our group as the actors as then we could not need to depend on other people within college to be able to film for the title sequence. We chose these for each person to act as who, as we believed that is what would look best on camera and for who wanted to act as who when we planned the title sequence of The Woman In White. 

During the planning stages we planned who would play all the characters, as a group we decided that I would play the role of the bride (The Woman in White)  who gets killed as I done Drama for 5 years including throughout year 10 and 11 where I studied GCSE Drama in school. Also out of me and Brooke Spencer I was the more confident out of us both so we decided that I would take on the bigger role to save getting other people involved in our film as this enabled us to not have to rely on other actors within out title sequence.

Also as a group we decided that the soon to be groom of the bride would be played by Brandon Playford due to his lack of confidence and that he is the most confident out of the group of working the camera. Due to this we decided for him to have a small role within the film so that he could focus on filming the rest of the film as that is what is is best at, but he still had the opportunity to star in our film along side us. We done this to use Brandon's skills in a different way in the making of our title sequence because he has no experience within a drama role but where he studied GCSE Film and Media Studies in year 10 and 11 so he had other experience with the equipment more than the others in the group.

To play the brides sister we chose Brooke Spencer, who also done a GCSE Drama course throughout year 10 and 11 with me but out of us both she was the least confident one so she wanted a smaller role so we chose for her to be the brides sister as she was able to show her drama skills learnt from year 10 and 11 during her school education within our film without being in it too much to make her feel uncomfortable. 

Finally for the brides killer we chose for Tommy Brading to be the killer of the bride this was because he was the most confident out of the group as he is extremely confident person so we believed that he would be the best for acting in this role as this is going to be a large role within the title sequence as he has to perform the murder of the bride to be. 

We decided for the brides sister and the brides killer to be a couple and that they had planned to kill her on her wedding day and leave no traces of DNA which could come back to the couple so that they could get away with the murder of the bride who later became the a Woman in White. The reasoning behind the murder of the bride was because the sister did not receive enough attention from their father and she wanted the sister out of the way so she would get more attention and be noticed a lot more. 

Our inspiration of our title sequence came from the film The Woman In Black which was produced by Hammer Horror Studios. We was inspired by this as we believed that it would look good as we liked the idea of haunting someone as they would of done something bad to the woman. As the current film is called The Woman In Black we wanted the opposite of it and we decided to call ours The Woman In White. That is when we decided that we would input a wedding  scene into our title sequence and for the bride to be killed while in her wedding dress so that we could have the bride haunting her killer while she is in her dress which is covered in blood, mud and is slightly ripped up and you can see the cut on her neck to show that it is clear that the bride had been killed and that it has been a few years due to the mud and dirty patches over the dress to show that it has been a long period of time and that she is haunting her killer and is seeking revenge for killing her on her wedding day to the man that she loved.

This is the Woman in Black and this was our example of the Woman in White.
This shows the difference between the two characters is the colour differences, such as in the film which was produced by Hammer Horror Studios the Woman in Black is in complete black; she wears a long black dress and has a black veil over her face. She also has dark circles around her eyes which makes the character have a death theme as it looks like that her eyes have sank in over the years. Whereas, in our film idea the bride is dressed completely in white, her dress is short and she has white shoes on to show her innocence as well as it being her wedding day. It shows that she is good as she has chosen a white dress. Originally the bride’s eyes had dark circles when we filmed the first time but when we filmed again we decided not to have the dark circles around the brides eyes as we didn't believe that it looked effective over the camera. 

We was also inspired by the film The Conjuring, in their title sequence as we liked the images of families coming up while the actors names was coming up on screen, we thought that it looked like the pictures was trying to tell a story. Due to this we wanted to create a similar title sequence including photographs of the characters from within our film to make the film look more realistic. We used photos of the brides sister and her boyfriend who turns out to be the brides killer at different events, we took photographs of them in formal clothing like they was at a dinner together, them in funeral clothes like they was at the brides funeral saying their goodbyes to her after the death on her wedding day and we also had photographs which couples would have together, such as a Christmas photo of them in knitted jumpers to show that they have been in a relationship for a long period of time.

We also had a photo of the bride and groom in formal clothing, the bride is in a blue dress and the groom is in a suit and his tie matches her dress and they look formal then we created an effect on the photograph to gave the bride scratched out in different places on her body as she had been killed and she had been taken from her husband to be’s life and that he will have to learn to move on in life without her. MOTION

These photographs show the change of the photograph of the couple as you can see the original photo and then you can see photo afterwards of the photograph and how the bride had been scratched out. The photo on the left shows the original photograph of the bride and groom and the photograph to the right shows the bride and groom with the brides eyes and neck scratched out. MOTION

There was only one character that was based on another character which was the bride (the Woman in White)  who was based around the Woman in Black. We done this because we believed that we could show our version of the Woman in Black, by changing the story line and the colour of her clothes in order to make it an original film. I believe this was effective as we was able to create a gothic horror character through the inspiration from the Woman in Black. 

The bride matched two stereotypes throughout our opening sequence as she was in the traditional white wedding dress as she was about to get married then she was killed on her way down to the wedding reception which meant that her traditional white wedding dress was destroyed by her own blood from the hideous cut on her neck which caused her death. We also created the stereotype of a dead person aswell who is coming back for revenge as she is stalking her sister and her own killer as they are a couple, this could lead to disaster within the film. 

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