Friday 1 May 2015

Evaluation - Question 3


3. What kind of media institutions might distribute your media product and why?

Through the planning process of our title sequence, I looked at two different institutions. The two different institutions I chose to research were Hammer Horror Studios and The Warner Bros. Studios. I chose these as they are different from each other but also have a few similarities with each other. Hammer Horrors are the institution who produced The Woman in Black where me and my group for our inspiration from, to be able to create our title sequence. Hammer studios  are commonly known for producing different types of horror films, this can be from the scariest horror films, gothic horrors to thrillers, by having a wide range of choice they are able to produce more films which will increase the target audience numbers as they can attract a larger audience by the use of other films which they have seen which was produced by Hammer Horror Studios. Hammer Horror Studios are most commonly known for The Woman in Black, this is because the film was released worldwide. This lead to the huge success of the film which then inspired us to create our final piece. The other institution which I researched was The Warner Bros.
This institution produce a different variety of film genres in order to appeal to a larger target audience. They have produced films like all of the Harry Potter’s, aswell as all the Batman movies, The Hangover and other films like The Conjuring, The Shining, Oceans Eleven, The Green Mile and Elf. This shows that they create a produce films from all different genres to widen their audience range.

If our film was going out to the general public it would be released to countries worldwide, not just the UK. This is because it would widen the target audience as we would not just be appealing the film to different people within the UK as you could get an audience from America or different counties all over the world. We would also want to be produced by Hammer Studios in order to have a huge success with our take on a gothic horror genre of film, as well as benefiting us it would also benefit the institution as they would receive a profit for producing the film as they will get a cut of the profit.

The target audience we selected for the film was a 12/12A so we would hope to aim for the age of 12 and up. We selected this age range as there is not a large focus on the blood when the bride is killed and when she becomes the Woman in White and out to get revenge for her brutal murder. We had to give it an age certificate of 12/12A in order to stop younger ages going to see the film sub hi could potentially scare them due to the content of it.

Our product is mainstream as a lot of different gothic Horror and horrors have different scenes within the films but they often always have scenes which are haunting another character with in the film or there are signs that haunt could take place. I believe due to our take on the gothic horror genre and the film The Woman in White, Hammer Horror would produce us as they are a mainstream institution who produces horror movies as well as gothic horror.

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