Friday 1 May 2015

Evaluation - Question 4


4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
As a group we decided that we would have our film appeal to both genders, this was to widen the target audience as we didn't want to discriminate against one of the genders and make it a one gender type of film. Due to the wedding scene females are interested to watch the film but due to the killing, makes are interested in how the killing will take place on her wedding day. After the brides death both genders would be interested in the haunting scenes due to how dramatic they can get and that both genders will not know what's to suspect from the characters.

We chose to target the age range of 12 upwards in order to widen the target audience instead of aiming for 15+, due to us doing this we would of gained more of an audience as we would have released it as a certificate of 12/12A in the cinemas and in stores, this is because there is a focus on the blood on the brides neck but it isn't the main focus in the film which would of meant we would have had to bring the age certificate up to 15. We believed that the age range of 12+ would have been the most effective due to the story line and that there wasn't a lot of blood along with the bride’s death so it would not scare the younger audiences. Due to putting the film as an age rating of 12 we was not able to use swearing during our film, we also believed that swearing wasn't necessary throughout our opening sequence.

If members of the public liked the film The Woman in Black, they will like out version of The Woman in White as they share a similar theme and genre. Whereas, if someone did not like The Woman in Black, there is a strong chance that they might not like our version of the film. In addition, if the viewer did not like watching horror or gothic horror movies they will not enjoy our film as it had the codes and conventions of a gothic horror film, which may scare the viewer if they do not like blood or jumps within a film.

Our film did not have a targeted ethnic background as we wanted to target everybody over the age of 12 years old, in order to have a larger target audience to promote our film. The film would appeal to all ages above 12 no matter of the audience’s personal background, for example, such as their job or class. This means that the film can be viewed by people all over the world who have access to it as is targeted for all viewers.

As a group we done some research into the film The Woman in Black to select the correct target audience and we believe that we have chosen the correct age to release our film too as there is a small aspect of blood which will not scare children of the age of 12 but may scare children under the age of 12 due to the amount of blood which appears on the bride’s neck after she has been killed. I also looked at the film The Conjuring which was rated an age certificate of 15 and the other time which I analyses through he planning process of creating our final idea was Van Helsing which was also rated as a 12 like The Woman in Black which helped my group decide the age certificate rating while also using the BBFC website to read the requirements of each age certificate rating. 

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