Sunday 28 December 2014

Institution Research - Comparison

Out of the two institutions I have researched of Hammer Studios and Warner Bro. Pictures, I believe that Hammer Studios would be the better option out of the two options to produce the film which me and my group have planned to create. This is because they produced the film where we got out inspiration from and they are known for their Gothic Horror and Horror genres and they are also been very successful over the years of producing films.

Monday 22 December 2014

Institution Research - Warner Bro. Pictures

What is there ideology/mission statement?
The Warner Bros. Pictures are dedicated to producing and releasing a large variety of different genres of films. This is so that their company appeal to all different ages so they can generate more of a profit from their customers. 

Does this fit with your ideas?
The Warner Bros. Pictures would not fit with our idea as they are most well known for their hit films of Harry Potter. I believe that our film would be better if it was produced by Hammer Studios as they are mainly known for their horrors which they create. Although they produced 'Friday the 13th' they are mostly known for creating different genres of films.

Is your film mainstream or indie?
The Warner Bros. Pictures are a mainstream producing organisation as they have produced many world famous films, they are mainly known for their series of Harry Potters.

On the producers website does it already have a target audience? What information can you gather from that?
Warner Bros. Pictures, appeal to all types of audiences as they have different types of films which they produce. Each different film which they produce will appeal to a different audience which will be set by the creation of the game.

Friday 12 December 2014

Institution Research - Hammer Studios

Which production company specializes in your genre?
Hammer Films is a British Production Company based in London, the company was founded in 1934. This company is best known for their Gothic Horror films made from the middle of the 1950's and until the end of the 1970's. The production company have also produced films in different genres, for example, Science fiction, Thrillers, Film Nior, Comedies and Television series. Hammer Films production companies success was due, in part to the distribution partnership with the major US studio company - Warner Bros.

What is there ideology/mission statement?
Hammer Studios was a major force for British cinemas during the early 1950's due to the reaction of the after effects on the war and the rise of the conservative political system. The aim for Hammer Studios was to make British Gothic Horror the biggest selling genre of films in the industry. 

Does this fit with your ideas?
This institution fits in with our idea because we have planned to create a Gothic Horror which was motivated from The Woman In Black, which Hammer produced, this shows that Hammer studios usually produce Horror and Gothic films. 

Is your film mainstream or indie?
Hammer studios is seen as a mainstream institution to many members of the public, but they are also not well known because of the film genre that they produce as not a lot of people enjoy watching Gothic Horrors as they prefer the more popular genre such as comedies and action genres. Hammer studios state that they have a large budget for their films so this means that films are well organised and presented which makes the institution noticeable from the other institutions.

On the producers website does it already have a target audience? What information can you gather from that?
Hammer films usually appeal to teenagers and older age groups, the films they usually create are a rating of 12, so that they can appeal to the younger and older generation.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

What Certificate will your film be?

When a film is created it needs to have a certificate to show the age range for the film so that younger children do not watch scary films that may cause them to be upset. All films have a age certificate so that the user knows if it is acceptable for the people or children around her to watch it. 

U - Suitable for all

These films are for people above the age of four and higher, there is not a lot of bad language in these films, at most they will have 'damn' or 'hell'. In these films there are also slight sexual behaviour this can be referenced to kissing and cuddling but nothing more is allowed. Violence is also generally mild and there isn't a lot of it shown through a U rated film, there are usually brief scenes or moments where a character is in danger, but they will be resolved quickly by the characters, but any behaviour that the young children can follow is not allowed and is disapproved off in the film industry.
These types of films usually contain a positive message about loyalty, honesty and friendship throughout the characters and there is always a happy ending between them. There is normally no reference to illegal drugs in these types of movies due to the young age of people that watch them.

PG - Parental Guidance

PG stands for 'Parental Guidance' this means that the film is suitable for normal viewing but there are a few scenes within the film that may be unsuitable for young children. The cerfitcate states that a PG film should not unsettle a child aged around 8 or older, and that some parents should consider the films content to check if the content may upset their children. PG films are not just for young children, they target all ages, but the PG cerfitcate shows that nothing within the film should upset someone around or above the of 8 years. It is important that a PG does not contain any inappropriate themes or scenes for a child. In a PG there may be mild language used but it needs to be used in the correct way otherwise it may increase the certification rating of the film. Whereas, sex references throughout a PG is less likely to occur, and if they do they are under ailed and infrequent. Violence will usually be mild and there should be no detail of violence in a PG. In a PG film there could be some behaviour which young children might then copy, this can be bulling, playing with electricity, but this will not be accepted. There might be small references to illegal drugs or drug misuse but there is not allowed to be a strong reference to drugs in a PG. 

12/12A- video/cinema release suitable for 12 years and over

Films classified as 12A and videos classified as 12 contain scenes which are not suitable for younger children which are under th age of 12, no one under the age of 12 should attend a 12A in the cinema unless with an adult. The difference between a 12A and a 12 is that with a 12A the child will need an adult to attend the cinema with them if they are underage, then in shops and stores the staff members are not allowed to sell or rent the item rated at a 12 to the customer that is under the game of 12. There is not a age limit for the 12A but it recommended to not bring young children to these films as it may upset them. There will be strong uses of language in these films (for example, 'f***', 'bitch' and 'twat' may be used) but this depends on the situation it is being used in. Any discriminatory language will not be allowed in a 12 rated film. Also, sex may be discreetly portrayed in a 12A or 12 rated movie but it should not go beyond what is suitable or a teenage to witness, moderate violence is also accepted within these films but there should be no large amount of focus on the blood or injuries. Horror films can also be passed as a 12A or 12, only when the overall tone is not disturbing to the young audience.
15 - Suitable for 15 years and over
No one under the age of 15 is allowed to see a film which is rated 15 or buy/rent a 15 rated video as they are not suitable for people under the age of 15. In a cerfitcated 15 film, no themes are prohibited as long as it is suitable for 15 year olds. In a 15 rated film you might see the following in a film; strong violence, frequent strong language, portrayals of sexual activity, strong verbal references to sex, sexual nudity, brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence, discriminatory language or behaviour and drug taking. In a 15, there is allowed to be a lot of swearing, there may often be uses of the strongest language (for example, 'c***') but if this is used too much it may not pass for a 15. Racist, homophobic and other discrimination themes and references are allowed in a 15 but if there is a lot of this them it may not pass for a 15 and have an age certificate of 18. In a 15 rated film, there can be strong horror, but it mustn't be a strong focus on it. When drugs are used in a 15 rated film, they must not promote or encourage the audience for drug misuse.

18 - Suitable only for adults
Films that are rated 18, are for adults only, no one under the age of 18 is allowed to see an 18 rated film at the cinema and they are not allowed to buy/rent one from stores either. With an 18 there is no limits for these films as they are for adults only and they are free to choose their own entertainment. In an 18 rated film they often contain a lot of the following; very strong violence, frequent strong language, strong portrayals of sexual activity, scenes and themes of sexual violence, strong horror, strong blood and gore, real sex and discriminatory language and behaviour.  In an 18 rated film, there is no limit to how much strong language can be used as they are made for adult viewers, as well as discriminate language can also be used throughout the film. There can also be strong and detailed scenes of sex, this can also include full nudity. In an 18 rated movie there is no limit on the violence and the directors can also focus on the violence and the injuries caused through this. Drug taken can also be shown but it cannot promote drug misuse. In some 18 rated films, there are scenes which may need to be removed this can be from where the scenes breach the criminal law or that they created it to create a criminal offence.

My group have planned for our film to be the same age certificate as The Woman In Black, which was produced by Hammer Studios as our film was inspired by the hit film. The age rating for The Woman In Black is rated at a 12 so this is what my group decided to rate our film as. Our film could also be rated as a 15 because of the blood which is shown when the neck is slit right at the begging of our film idea as people may find this disturbing and upsetting to witness. I would rate our film as a 12 as there isn't a large focus on the blood in the brides neck and there isn't any swearing throughout it which makes it more suitable to be a certificate age rating of 12.