Sunday 16 November 2014

Pre-lim Task

My group of four (me, Brandon Playford, Tommy Brading and Brooke Spencer) decided to make a short video, we chose to do a video of a business meeting about 'Freddos' being too expensive and that the price needs to  go down. In our group we talked about the costume, hair, setting and performance in the pre-lim, this was so we knew exactly what was going to happen in the video and so we knew what to record. We also took into consideration what camera shots we would do during the filming. 


We also made a story board of each shot that was going to happen, this showed us which camera shots we was going to use and the plan of what will be seen during the shots. When we filmed our video we used the story board so that we knew what each section would be about and the camera shots.

As a group we decided that Brandon Playford and Tommy Brading would be the only two actors during our video, Brandon was the owner of Freddos and Tommy was going in to see him to request the price to be put down for the chocolate bar. Brandon and Tommy was told to dress smart to make them both look like professional business men, they both wore a white shirt, black trousers and a tie. 

We wanted to film this in our college as we believed it would be a good building to use as it is new and as it looks professional and would suit the building facilities which an high market company would have. I also asked my tutor if we could use her office during our video so that Brandon could sit in there and Tommy enters the room angry and that is where they have their talk about the price change, because Brandon was in a office it showed that he had a lot of power.

We also created a script for our pre-lim task:


(After entering the building and making his way to the office, Tommy opens the door and storms into the office)

Tommy- "This is a fucking joke!"

(Throws Freddos)

Brandon- "Please take a seat sir and tell me what your problem is"

(Tommy picks up the Freddos and then sits down)

Brandon- "Right now you're sat down what seems to be the problem sir?"

Tommy- "My problem sir is that these (holds up Freddos) were 50p; Freddos back in the day were 10p! This is ripped off; you're ripping everyone off, what is your deal!"

Brandon- "I understand you're annoyed sit but I am the head of marketing and distribution, I don't deal with the costs of these items I just simply deal with the clients who buy these items and therefore contact them and so on"

Tommy- "Well fine then, but you better tell the person who is in charge of the costs that I am looking for them and I am really pissed off!"

(Tommy stands up and storms out the room)

(The end)


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