Tuesday 3 March 2015

Technical Planning- Font Research

Font research 

This font would be used in a Gothic Horror as it is untidy and messy, it is also hard to read which would mean it wouldn't be used in a title sequence in a Romantic Genre. This is because this is a abnormal font and if the font was a deep red it could represent blood, and the writing could represent the blood and it could be written out of blood. I like this text as it is different to usual texts that I see and it is also original, I like the messiness of the font which shows carelessness with the pen which can be seen throughout the genre of Horror, I believe that this font would work well with out film idea. 

This font is very clean and simple, but I believe that it wouldn't be used for a Gothic Horror be use it isn't the correct type of font to use as Gothic Horrors are suppose to have some fright in them but this font type it doesn't portray a scary or negative affect, whereas this font would be good to use in a romantic genre because it is clean and simple which also makes it easy to read and it would fit in with the genre of film. I like this font as it is easy to read and looks very professional but I don't believe it would work well with out film idea. 

Monday 2 March 2015

Technical Planning - Filming Schedule

Filming Schedule 
We also had a filming schedule, this was so that we knew when we was filming, where we was filing and what we was doing. We filmed all these scenes apart from the one at the field as we believed we didn't need it within our opening sequence. The table shows what characters was needed within the shot aswell and aslwel any props or equipment that was needed for filming the section of our opening sequence.