Saturday 28 February 2015

Technical Planning- Locations

We planned to film in three different places around our a Sixth Form, this was to widen our setting area for our film so that it isn't just in one setting throughout the opening scene. As the table States we was going to use the Sixth Forms Theatre to film the wedding ceremony for then the bride to be killed infront of all the wedding guests, but we had to change this idea as the threats wasn't free during the time slot we created due to other arrangements around the Sixth Form, also gathering an audience wouldn't also been difficult as students within the Sixth Form would of been in their lessons. 
So with this we had to change small aspects of our film idea, we changed it so we would see th bride and groom getting ready for the wedding, this was filmed in the toilets at the Sixth Form due to the cleanliness of them and that they looked professional as a hotel suite would look. 
We then decided not to film on the field as we didn't believe it was needed for the title sequence as it would of had to much in it for a two minute opening of s film. 

Within the college we filmed in a few different areas. The photographs below show where we filmed within the building and outside. 

The top floor of the sixth form
When we filmed on the top floor, we filmed the killing scene of the bride. We chose to do it here because there wasn't anyone around during the time of the filming and Tommy (the killer) could hide out in the lift before he jumps out and kills the bride. We also chose to film it here due to the natural lighting from the door which you can see in the photograph and in the film. 

The roof of the sixth form
We chose to film on the roof of the sixth form for the talk between the brides sister and the killer as there was no noise from others within the college and where you can see the background of high building it creates an effect that they are on a high building hiding from someone so that they can talk about the killing. I believe this is affective because it created the effect we wished to create. 

The Toliets at the sixth form
We chose to have the bride and groom of the film to get ready in the Toliets at the sixth form as they look clean and professional. Also due to the mirror we could create an over the shoulder shot of the two characters so that they can see both sides of their costume. 

The road outside the sixth form - diamond road
The road outside the sixth form is where we filmed the haunting scene where the bride is following the couple down the road. I believed this was effective as the couple look ordinary and do not suspect that there is someone haunting them. We also liked the idea of cars going past during filming so that it looks like an normal day for the couple.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Technical Planning - Costume and Props

Costume and Props
To create our film we needed to have 3 main features, this was a white dress, fake blood and a knife so that the wedding scene would be created from the White dress then the horrific scene of the bride being killed with the knife and the fake blood. We took a photo of the dress before and after filming to see what happened to the dress throughout filming. We also took a photograph of me in the dress so you could see how my character was being portrayed in the opening sequence. One the character I was playing was killed i then had to cover my neck in blood to make it realistic (see photos below) I did this by using fake blood and abit of eye shadow to add effect onto the horrific cut onto my characters neck. You can see in the photos below the before and after affects on the dress and you can also see how the makeup of the character is, for example in the first photograph you can see that the dress is perfectly white and the characters make up looks simple but effective as you can see her innocents through the White dress her pure makeup. Whereas in the second photograph you can see how the killing has changed the bride, as her White dress is now covered in blood around the neck area and it has black marks on it to show that she has been dead for a while and you can also tell his from the dark circles around her eyes, this was suppose to create affect on the audience when the bride is standing behind the couple in the future as it will stand out from a long distance. 
This is a photograph of how my character looked before filming. I created this look by doing natural, simple makeup that a traditional bride with have to tie in with the white traditional wedding dress, I also curled my hair to give the effect that my character had made an effort to look nice as it was her big day. 

This is a photograph of how my character looked after filming. I created this look by using fake blood around my neck area and using black and brown eye shadow to create dark patches over the dress which originally was the wedding dress of the bride, this created the effect of death on the late bride. I also used dark make up around my eye area to make my character look like she has been dead for a few years, also with th dark eyes it looked good on the camera as it make my characters face looked like it had sunk into the skull. 

This photograph shows the blood each I created for my character once she died. I created this by using fake blood and dark eye shadow, when applying the blood I put it all at the top of the cut and then shaked my neck around so that the blood would make its way down my neck on its own to give the real affect of the killing. 

This shows the props and costumes which was needed for the opening sequence offer film, it states what it was, where the group will get it from and who will be responsible for being in the required equipment for filming. It states that all the equipment needed to be in the day before filming so that we had everything organised for filming on the next day, this also reduced the chance of anything being forgotten. 

Thursday 19 February 2015

Technical Planning - Name of Film

Name of film - why will it appeal to the audience?
The name of our film is 'The Woman In White' this was as our film idea was inspired by the film The Woman In Black, which was produced by Hammer Studios in 2012. So from this the audience could start to think about what could happen throughout our film as the title doesn't give any thing away to the audience to it leaves them guessing on what the film could be about. This would then interest an audience as the title gives away a lot of information to who have seen The Woman In Black and they could start to suspect what they are going too see through seeing the one we got our inspiration from.

Friday 13 February 2015

Technical Planning - Equipment List

Equipment List
Throughout the process of creating our opening sequence we had to use different pieces of equipment. The equipment which we used was:
* White Dress
* Suit
* Knife
* Fake Blood
* Camera 
* Spare Camera Battery
* Tri-pod

Saturday 7 February 2015

Technical Planning - Script

Technical Planning - Script

When we created our script, we decided to keep it short and simple so that too much isn't given away with the opening sequence of out film, this is so that the audience want to continue with the film. Here is a copy of our script which we created, this shows that there was only two lines of dialogue within our opening sequence, this was also so that there wasn't a lot of action within the first two minutes. 

Friday 6 February 2015

Technical Planning - Storyboard

Technical Planning - Storyboard

We created a storyboard by using images so that we would not need to spend a lot of time drawing and creating a storyboard and my using technology when creating these to keep it neat and organised. 
Here is a copy of our storyboard.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Technical Planning - Opening Sequence Idea

Technical Planning

Opening Sequence Idea
Me and my group (Brandon Playford, Tommy Brading and Brooke Spencer) planned and created an opening sequence including titles. Our idea was inspired by the film The Woman In Black, but our film begins with the bride and groom getting ready for their big day. As the bride is ready, her friend comes into her room and tells her that she needs to go as she is running out of time. As they are walking through a corridor to the wedding the bride hears a noise but her friend doesn't hear anything and continues walking, as the bride stops and looks around after hearing a loud bang a man in a hoodie runs out of a room grabs the bride puts her in a head lock and cuts her throat and let's her drop to the floor. With that the titles run for the opening title sequence, then once you go back to the film, the bride has been dead a few years and she has been haunting her killer and his girlfriend, after he got away with the murdering of her, she is out for revenge. The happy couple aren't aware that they are being watched by someone from their past, and that is where our story starts.